Searching Jobs

Each job board can be found on the front page of the website at or a filter under “Job Board” can sort your desired job board preferences. Be sure to clear any settings that are already filtered beforehand, otherwise you may not be able to see the other boards.

A search by location can be found under the “Location” filter. Please note, if you already have a job board filter applied, you may not receive results. If you are going to search by location, please use

Yes! Keywords search an entire job post. You can also search for countries, providences, cities and regions as well in your keyword search.

If you believe a job posting has violated the Terms of Service of this site, please contact us using this link with the job link and a brief description of the complaint. We will review the complaint and will take appropriate action if the posting violates the Terms of Service. While we will review the report, we will not be able to provide what the resolution would be to the original report filer.

Posting Jobs

Click on the “Post Job” or “Add Job” button located around An employer account at ESL Champ is required to make a job post. Account creation is free.

When filling out a job post, all sections with an asterisk * are required.

Candidates generally are looking for specific items in a job listing. A successful job posting likely would include:

– Job Type (full time, part time, temporary)
– Student Level (elementary, kindergarten, university, etc.)
– Location
– Working Hours
– Salary
– Benefits (housing, monetary bonuses, vacation, etc.)
– Flight Fee Compensation (if applicable)
– Contact Information (an email and/or Skype ID to ask questions)
You can edit your job post after you have posted it. Log in with your ESL Champ account. Go to your User Dashboard. Click on My Jobs. Under the Manage Jobs section, click on the Edit icon under the Actions tab. Be sure to hit the Update button after you have made your changes.


Candidates are not required to create an account to view this site. Account creation is only required for posting your resume. The posting of your resume on ESL Champ is optional. Job listings posted on ESL Champ do not require for you to have an ESL Champ account in order to apply to them.

The current required account information is:

– The name of your profile/resume
– Your current location
– Showing your profile/resume

You are not required to disclose your current location, please select “Private” for your current location if you do not wish to have this be public.

You are not required to make your profile/resume public, please select “Hide” for your show your profile setting if you do not wish to have this be public.
You can edit your profile at this link.
Your profile/resume title will likely be the first thing that stands out to employers. Working on a good title for this helps. Remember, employers are generally looking for an employee that can fit the needs of their organization. Your title will be your brief introduction into who you are.

If you are ok with your resume being openly viewed, you could also include information about yourself including your soonest availability, current location, education, skills, email address and so on. The resume and about you section is searchable for employers. If you include some key words for the type of job you are looking for there, employers will be able to find your resume.

Never include personal contact information beyond an email address. Your email address (and possibly social media) should be the extent of identifiable personal information you should include. Do not provide items like passport ID numbers, driver’s license numbers, social security numbers, personal passwords, etc. We advise against providing your exact physical address and phone number in your resume. Contacting first by email is an appropriate first step for employers to reach out to candidates.
You may, log in with your ESL Champ account. Go to your User Dashboard. Click on Delete Profile. Enter your password into the input section and click on the Delete Profile button.


Employer account creation is required for posting jobs and viewing a candidate’s full profile/resume. Job post access and candidate resume access services are available. Employers are not required to create an account to view this site.

The current required employer account information is:

– Employer Name
– Employer Home Office Location
– Employer Type

If you are an employee of the company or school that is hiring, you are a Direct Employer.
If you are an employee or owner of an outside company that recruits for one or more employers, you are a Recruiter.

You can edit your profile at this link.
Candidates are generally interested in the background of an employer. Your company profile gives the candidate information and helps them to make a decision about contacting you about a position. Including information like a contact phone number, website, and social networks can be helpful. The about employer section is an opportunity to tell your story to potential candidates.

For Direct Employers, a good profile may include the benefits provided in jobs offers you have listed on ESL Champ.

For Recruiters, a good profile may include the employers you are working with and how many years you have been recruiting for (Founded Date).
You may, log in with your ESL Champ account. Go to your User Dashboard. Click on Delete Profile. Enter your password into the input section and click on the Delete Profile button.

Other Questions

Our Terms of Service can be found here.

Our Privacy Statement can be found here.
Please reach out to us through our Contact Us page. Our response can take up to two business days.